Why I shifted my career to OutSystems, and why you should too!

Sérgio Dias
6 min readNov 3, 2019

I still remember doing my first coding in BASIC back when ZX Spectrum was the thing! Having the ability to build my own games really opened perspectives for me, but being just a teenager I didn’t take it very seriously, it was just fun. As I grew up and moved to the PC, I remember messing around with Pascal and Delphi and latter started to learn HTML and VBScript to build dynamic ASP pages.

Quite basic stuff, I would say these days… But for me, that just had started using the Internet for one hour a day through a 33 kbits…



Sérgio Dias

Software Architect at OutSystems. I was an Entrepreneur for a long time, started developing e-commerce almost 20 years ago. twitter: @serdays